Today, while I was looking for costume ideas on the web, I saw ads that increased the sexualization of girls. Now, because of my Language & Lit class, I subconsciously analyze everything that I see (media) and find out that it has an impact in society; whether it is a positive impact or a negative impact.
In this case, I found something that related to my Op-Ed subject; how advertisements increase the sexualization of girls.
I found some Halloween costumes that looked a little bit over-the-top for a 4-year-old to be wearing.
Clearly, out of these four costumes visible in the screen-shot I took, the one that stands out the most is the Kids Fairy Costume. The girl wearing that dress, does not only look tacky, but actually, looks like a kind of hooker. No offense.
And her pose? What about that? She has her hand on her waist, she is bending one of her knees... Don't get me wrong, but I think that she is ready to DTF (you'll get it if you watch Jersey Shore--another great influence for the children).
Moreover, in this same Halloween costume's website (, we can see other ads that encourage child sexuality.
Look at this advertisement trying to sell this horrendous costume; it is simply pathetic. Now, this is what I call cheap style.
But come on guys, really? Who designed this outfit? What was she/he thinking? Was it Beyonce? If so, is this the Halloween costume for Beyonce's House of Deréon children clothing's line?
Well, really, we know that Beyonce did not design this. Thank God! But she came pretty close with her House of Deréon children clothing's line outfits. They are as pathetic as this one is!
However, the point here is not to attack anyone; instead, it is to remind you guys that we are damaging and entire generation of little girls.
I love how you write, but i think you use the word pathetic too much. However, it is awesome and I totally agree with your points.